TaxAudit Blog

Tag: CA

Woman Reading Letter

The IRS has issued a CP11A notice because they believe there was a miscalculation on your tax return for the year in question and made changes to reflect this.

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College Application

There is no tax benefit for applying to enter a college. However, many benefits are available when your application has been accepted and after you enroll.

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California License plate that says EST TAX

Much like the IRS, California’s taxing agency, the California Franchise Tax Board (or CA-FTB), expects to collect your owed taxes throughout the tax year.

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Unpaid Invoices File Folder

You can deduct an unpaid invoice as a business expense if all the following are true: (1) You have already included the amount of the invoice as income…

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Hand Sanitizer on table with masks in background

Now that the pandemic is officially over, can I still deduct the cost of masks and hand sanitizer for my classroom or place of business? Let's find out.

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school book with graduation hat and jar of coins on it

With all the required tuition, books, and fees for college students, not to mention the cost of room and board - what education expenses are tax deductible?

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College student moving into housing

Under some circumstances, you can indeed deduct off-campus housing on your taxes while attending college – but the amount of the benefit is limited.

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Bags of money and stacked coins with a graduation hat

The short answer is yes, you can deduct education expenses for your dependents, but some limitations and qualifications must be met. Let's explore more.

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Long-Term Care written on a notebook

The good news is that, at tax time, taxpayers can often deduct part or all of the premiums they pay for long-term insurance for themselves or a dependent.

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School Supplies

Yes, you can deduct educator expenses if you are what the IRS calls an “eligible educator.” However, there are certain limitations and conditions involved.

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COBRA written with wooden blocks on a clipboard. Document in background.

According to the Federal tax laws, unreimbursed COBRA payments are deductible as medical expenses on your tax return if you qualify to itemize your deductions.

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Medicare Premiums

There is a very good chance that you can deduct your Medicare Premiums that you paid on your taxes. As always, there are different conditions that must be met.

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Kindergarten class

Kindergarten tuition is not deductible because the costs to attend are considered educational expenses. However, qualifying childcare expenses are deductible.

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Karate teacher teaching a small class of children

Whether you can write off karate classes on your taxes relies heavily on your personal circumstances. Let's explore more.

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Stack of books, graduation hat, and rolled up diploma

There are some tax-saving opportunities available for graduate school tuition, like the credits for undergraduate expenses. They each have some limitations.

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Woman Shopping for Over the Counter Medications

When it comes to medications, you can only deduct the amounts that you pay for medicines or drugs that have been prescribed for you by a doctor.

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House with a Sold For Sale Sign in Front of it

My brother's wife died and he was left with the house. He gifted (no exchange of money) me the house and I sold it. How do I report capital gains?

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Little girl writing in a notebook

Can Grandparents take a deduction for paying the preschool tuition costs when the child still lives with the parents? To qualify you must meet the following.

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Payroll Taxes written on paper with office supplies in background

Falling behind on your California payroll tax payments effects not only your employees, but also on your business operations as the EDD imposes penalties.

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Woman looking at paperwork

The IRS is billed you $4,000 due to a $8,000 capital gain or dividend. You don’t know what the $8,000 is from and believe if inherited it should be tax free.

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California Taxes written on a notepad

An Offer in Compromise may help certain taxpayers who cannot pay their tax debt to the California Franchise Tax Board in full. Let's review the requirements.

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Piggy bank and stethoscope on blue background

Medical expenses are deductible, but whether or not you can claim this deduction depends entirely on the amount you spent and the amount you earned.

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Hand holding a credit card

Yes, you can deduct interest on your business and personal credit cards to the extent that the interest relates to business expenses. Let's explore more.

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Wage Garnishment

The IRS uses an annually updated wage garnishment table to determine how much the taxpayer needs to live on and then the IRS takes the rest.

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Nurse walking with elderly woman

Insurance policies may cover part of nursing home costs and the unreimbursed expenses can often be deducted on a Form 1040 individual tax return.

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Two Preschoolers Reading

The 2021 expense limit for this credit is $8,000 for one qualifying child, and $16,000 for two or more qualifying children. The credit is a % of those expenses.

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House Burned Down

Is there relief from the government in the form of a tax break? Like many things in taxes, this can depend on different things, such as what caused the fire.

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Graduation Hat

You asked if you could deduct tuition expenses for enrollment in a graduate degree program as a job-related education expense on federal and NY state taxes.

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preschool boy with his thumbs up

Under certain circumstances you can indeed claim a tax benefit for preschool tuition - called the Child and Dependent Care Expenses tax credit.

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Capital Gains Tax

As long as you used the home as your main residence for at least 730 days during the last 5 years, you may be allowed to exclude up to $500,000 of capital gain.

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Gold Bullion

You are responsible for paying the taxes on the amount realized in the sale. The buyer is generally not required to withhold income taxes on the proceeds.

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Capital Gains

I had investment capital losses of over 17,000 dollars, yet my Schedule D is only allowing a $3,000 loss. Can I take the additional losses in future tax years?

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Payroll Taxes Sign on top of dollar bills

The IRS takes payroll tax delinquency seriously – so seriously that IRS Revenue Officers have closed down businesses for not paying them. Tax help is available.

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Vacant Land For Sale

You can "deduct" real estate taxes paid over the course of owning a piece of land in the year the land is sold, if the land was vacant, but there is a catch.

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Stimulus Payment

Generally, as long as the incarcerated person is a US citizen (or resident alien), has a valid SSN, and is not claimed as a dependent, they may qualify.

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New Roof Being Installed

Replacing an entire roof will increase the cost basis of the home. However, any costs paid or reimbursed by an insurance are not added to the home's basis.

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Instructor teaching students

Depending on the nature of the education, there may be an avenue to account for work related education expenses on one's tax return.

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The general rule is that you can deduct the costs of vitamins as a medical deduction only if your doctor prescribed them to treat a specific medical condition.

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State and Local Taxes

You can deduct certain state and local taxes (SALT) if you choose to itemize deductions on your tax return rather than claiming the standard deduction.

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Mature woman at desk

We know our senior citizen population can be particularly vulnerable to being targeted by scammers looking for free money or personal information. 

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Piggy bank with graduation hat on

A tax deduction for qualified tuition expenses has generally been available for many years. However, it has never been a permanent part of the tax code.

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credit cards

Credit card interest for personal expenses is generally not deductible. However, credit card interest connected to trade or business expenses can be deductible.

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Warning tax scam sign laying on a keyboard

The IRS has published a “Dirty Dozen” list to warn taxpayers to beware of joining the thousands of people who lose millions of dollars to scammers each year.

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IRS Scam

Taxpayers must constantly be on the lookout to avoid getting caught up in the many scams and schemes that try to separate us from our hard-earned dollars.

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IRS Scam sign on a Telephone

There is a growing number of criminals and fraudsters that are constantly trying to gain access to our bank accounts through clever scams and schemes.

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Flooded Apartment

For federal tax purposes, there is no deduction available at this time. However, the loss may or may not be deductible on your state tax return.

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Money with a graduation hat laying on top

Paying for college tuition is an expensive endeavor. Fortunately for those who qualify, there are some tax breaks available.

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people running on treadmills in a gym

The most likely answer for most people would be no, as the general rule is that you cannot deduct the cost of the gym membership. However, there are exceptions.

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car, money, and calculator on financial sheet

The good news is that you can deduct car insurance from income when preparing your taxes – but the bad news is that you must first meet certain conditions.

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teacher with students in a library

If the taxpayer has costs for after school care of a qualifying dependent, those costs may provide some tax benefits. Let's explore these tax benefits.

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Couple receiving keys from salesman to their new car

Sales tax on a car or automobile purchase might be deductible. It depends on the taxpayer’s circumstances. Generally, the following conditions must all be met.

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Mortgage sign and keys

In regard to the personal home mortgage interest deduction on the Schedule A, the answer is yes, but only if certain criteria are met.

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stethoscope on top of stack of cash over an Insurance Claims statement

One way to offset the rising costs of health care is by claiming an itemized deduction for qualified medical expenses paid during the year on your income taxes.

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child playing on a playground

If you paid someone to care for your child so that you could work or look for work, you may be able to take the credit for child and dependent care expenses.

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Bitcoin Tax

The IRS declared that any cryptocurrency with an equivalent cash value is to be treated as property for tax purposes, and transactions are therefore taxable.

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Woman wearing eyeglasses

Prescription eyeglasses for correcting your vision are deductible as a medical expense, but you may not be able to deduct them based on other factors.

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student loans

Yes, you can deduct student loan interest on your tax return if you meet the specific requirements to claim this deduction. The amount you can claim will vary.

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1040 tax return with handcuffs laying on top

Inmates are responsible for filing taxes. While you can certainly help your boyfriend file his taxes, you can’t sign and submit the return on his behalf.

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Boy standing in front of chalkboard with a finger on his chin

The first thing to do is to check every name and Social Security number listed on the return with what is listed on their Social Security cards.

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Woman at desk with head down on tax forms, holding a pencil and calculator.

Below is a list of misconceptions and examples of misinformation taxpayers may encounter during the upcoming tax season.

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Magnifying glass over tax forms with crime scene tape

You can reduce your risk of falling victim to scammer's schemes by developing a basic understanding of what the IRS can and cannot do.

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Graduation Hats

For the American Opportunity Credit, a student is required to be in pursuit of a degree or recognized education credential and be enrolled at least half-time

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woman looking at home after disaster

Have you or someone you know experienced loss from a disaster? You may be able to deduct the loss you incurred on your federal income tax return.

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Danger Tax Scam Sign

The IRS recently issued a warning that tax-related scams are still on the rise and are urging taxpayers to take caution!

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Pencil pointing to the words Amount You Owe on tax form

Congress reauthorized the IRS to use private debt collection agencies, or PDC, to collect outstanding tax liabilities.

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Passport with Denied stamped across it

The IRS can request the State Department to revoke a currently active passport of a U.S. taxpayer with severely delinquent tax debt.

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Scam Alert Signs

While real IRS letters go through the mail, tax scammers have shipped out their own tax bills in an attempt to take advantage of the unsuspecting taxpayer.

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Person backpacking in mountains

This scam involves cybercriminals approaching a tax preparer in the guise of a potential client, sending an email which asks about using the preparer’s services

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Money background with SCAM written on top with block letters

Thieves are creating convincing IRS CP2000 letters and sending them to unsuspecting taxpayers via the postal service and as an email attachment from the “IRS.”

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Application for Health Coverage form

Some people can claim an exemption from the health insurance requirement, but everyone else needs to show the IRS that they are covered or else pay a penalty.

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Handcuffs laying on a 1040 form

I got a phone call from the IRS last week.

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Charity Scam Sign

Scammers, despite their many flaws, tend to be clever, and often create fake charities that have names strikingly close to vetted non-profit organizations.

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Child and Dependent Care Credit

The Child and Dependent Care Credit is available to help offset some expenses of childcare or daycare costs.

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Tax Scam written on red paper over tax return

While tax season may have ended, scam artists are still working around the clock and the IRS is continually encouraging taxpayers to keep a vigilant eye out.

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Taxpayer Advocate written on a blue piece of paper

The TAS is an independent organization within the IRS, created with the intention of identifying and resolving problem areas within the tax system.

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IRS Scam written on a sitcky-note

As this year’s tax season shifts into full gear, tax scammers are at hard at work.

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Healthcare Blocks

The Cadillac tax has zero to do with automobiles and everything to do with health care.

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Crime scene tape and magnifying glass over 1040 tax forms

Tax nightmares aren’t just for scammers. They can happen to people who make innocent mistakes, and even to those who believe they are doing the right thing.

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Are Education Tax Credits Available When the Education Expenses are Covered by a Scholarship or Grant?

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We wanted to let you know that, yes, there are some tax benefits to hitting the books.

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house on top of a green hill

My boyfriend and I are buying a house together, and the property includes a rental apartment above the garage. How should we report our rental income?

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Rx bottle that says Affordable Care Act

I received a 1095-A form for health insurance after I had already filed my taxes.

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Person on computer attempting ID theft

The IRS estimates they received over 2.4 million fraudulent returns for the 2013 filing year. If you’ve been the victim of this type of crime…

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Tax scammer

These thieves use a legitimate taxpayer’s name, address and social security number to file a fraudulent return claiming a large refund, and then divert...

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woman helping taxpayer with taxes

The IRS opened up its LITC grant application process for organizations looking to serve and educate low-income taxpayers.

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Rx bottle that says Affordable Care Act

You might have thought that with the new Health Care Reform more of all the money you spend on health insurance and medical expenses would be deductible.

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Students wearing graduation hats

With the costs of obtaining a Master of Business Administration skyrocketing - often costing up to $80,000 - you might be wondering: is my MBA tax deductible?

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three bars of gold

I am considering buying Gold Bullion. I am 68 and do not plan on using an IRA of any kind for this. What are the tax implications of buying gold?

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Scam Warning

With the tax filing season in full swing, the IRS has reissued warnings to all taxpayers to be on alert for tax scams.

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Tax scammer

What form do I file with the IRS for 2014 for a fraud case where I lost lots of money. The fraud case was adjudicated and the offender now sits in Fed Prison.

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people examining retirement portfolios and graphs

You inherited a retirement account, and you opted to transfer the assets into a beneficiary or inherited IRA. What now? The “what now” depends on whether RMDs..

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identity theft

 received a phone call from IRS telling me that I owe them $2,500. They said they sent me a letter in January of 2014 that I signed for telling me the errors...

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Rx bottle that says Affordable Care Act

We heard about it all the way back in 2010, but the Individual Mandate − or Minimum Essential Coverage − did not go into effect until this year.

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Application for Health Coverage form

Now that the furor, for the most part, over the Affordable Care Act has subsided a bit, let's take a quick look at the PENALTY for not abiding by this law?

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Handcuffs laying on a 1040 form

My son was arrested in December of 2012 and spent the entire year of 2013 in jail awaiting trial. During that year I paid his attorney fees, car payments...

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Piggy bank with handcuffs hanging on it

Continuing on with Scams 8-12, let’s look at the third set of scams in The Dirty Dozen. False Income, Expenses or Exemptions: Another set of scams...

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Handcuffs laying on a 1040 form

Continuing on with Scams 5-7, let’s look at the second set of scams in The Dirty Dozen:  Return Preparer Fraud: Most preparers are honest, and want the best...

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Crime scene tape and magnifying glass over 1040 tax forms

Every year during awards season, the IRS announces its list of the Top Twelve Scams of the Year, or, The Dirty Dozen. Watch for these scams and report them...

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In a recent case of tax evasion, Ty Warner, the creator of “Beanie Babies” was hit with $53.6 million in penalties for hiding money offshore.

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identity theft

Tax scams increase exponentially during the income tax filing season. If you want to avoid being a victim, be aware that when someone offers you a “chance of...

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Phone Scams: There are numerous phone and internet scams claiming to be the IRS (or other government agencies). Do not give personal information to anyone...

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Phishing Hook

There’s a new wave of “phishing” scams involving phony emails from tax software companies such as TurboTax.

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