Person typing on calculator with tax graphics overlayed

An Audit Reconsideration requests the IRS reopen a previously closed audit case. It can be requested after the audit occurrs and the tax remains unpaid.

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Business owners looking at receipts

Yes, Tax Debt Relief is available for businesses. Read more about tax debt issues businesses face such as Employment Tax Issues, Trust Fund Taxes, etc.

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Tax Professional

Let's talk about how the Tax Debt Relief process at TaxAudit works so you can decide if our company is the best for you.

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Five Stars

The first thing you want to do when choosing a tax debt relief company is confirm you are speaking to a licensed tax professional - EA, CPA, or tax attorney.

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Woman worried about tax debt

Do you have tax debt? Would repaying this debt cause you financial hardship? If so, you may be eligible for Currently Not Collectible status through the IRS.

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Two model houses and stacks of money

An IRS levy is the actual seizure of property you own. An IRS lien is a public document that notifies any creditors that the IRS has a right to your property.

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Tax Returns, plant, and $100 bills laying on a desk

What happens if your spouse overstated the deductions claimed on the return or substantially understated the income?  Are you still liable for the tax due?

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Man worried about money

Per the collection statute expiration date, the IRS generally has 10 years from the date they assess your tax balance to collect taxes owed.

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Tax Penalty

If you can show that there was “reasonable” cause for the understatement or for failure to file or pay on time, you may be able to get those penalties abated.

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Court Hearing Gavel with American Flag in background

One of the most valuable tools to protect yourself against IRS collection actions – particularly against liens and levies – is a collection due process hearing.

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Levy written on a calculator

Receiving notice of an IRS levy can cause a lot of anxiety. How you can prevent an IRS levy from occurring or release a levy once it has occurred?

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Tax Relief written on a Calculator

Fortunately, there are a myriad of tools available for taxpayers who want to tackle their tax debt issues and dispute the collection actions taken by the IRS.

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Installment Agreement

An IRS Installment Agreement can be very easy or complicated, depending on your circumstances.

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Installment payment plan sign

IRS notice CP523 informs you the IRS intends to terminate your installment agreement or payment plan because they haven't received one or more monthly payments.

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Woman thinking about Tax

An IRS Offer Compromise is an attempt to settle your tax liability with the IRS for less than what is owed. There are three types of Offers in Compromise.

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Internal Revenue Service Sign

If you’ve received an IRS deficiency or IRS determination and disagree with the changes, how can you dispute them? Read on because we’re here to help!

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Writing Check

If you received an IRS notice CP521, it is because you entered into an installment agreement with the IRS for taxes owed and your monthly payment is now due.

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Social Security care with $100 bills

IRS letter CP91 states that the IRS may seize up to 15% of your Social Security because you have an unpaid tax balance due. What can you do if you get a CP91?

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Debt Relief Just Ahead sign

The taxpayer owed over $30,000 in back tax debt that she couldn’t afford to pay. Not knowing what to do, the taxpayer contacted TaxAudit for help.

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Man reading a letter

You just received an IRS Notice CP90 - Intent to Levy and Unpaid Taxes - in the mail. Don't panic. Let's walk through the letter and determine your next steps.

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Senior couple reading letter intently

They received an IRS tax notice demanding payment for over $600,000 in tax, interest, and penalties. Not knowing what to do, they contacted TaxAudit for help.

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Man reading a letter and laptop computer

IRS CP22E notice is the result of a recently completed audit. Because of the changes made to your tax return during the examination, you now have a balance due.

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IRS displayed by gold blocks

If you have a pending tax bill, putting the IRS and a bond payment together might be what works for you. How can a bond payment help you with the IRS? 

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Picture of

Thirty days from the date of the IRS Notice CP90, the IRS has the right to begin taking assets. This can include bank accounts, wages, and retirement accounts.

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Man at desk with calculator and interest rate graphic

The IRS will calculate your interest and penalties daily and add them to the amount of tax debt you owe. Tax debt increases each day at an annual rate of 7.25%.

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Graphic of arrows going one way and then reversing

A tax refund offset can indeed be reversed – but it is not a simple matter. It would be much better for taxpayers to prevent the offset from happening.

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Need Help? and Taxes written on sticky notes on top of tax forms

Rest assured that there are extensive resources available to help a taxpayer who owes more taxes than he or she can pay. Let explore some options.

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Woman and Man drinking coffee

The Department of Treasury is authorized by the U.S. tax code to withhold part or all of a taxpayer’s Federal tax refund to pay past-due debt of $25 or more.

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Woman Reading Letter

An IRS Notice CP49 is a letter from the IRS informing you that they used all or part of your tax refund to pay a past-due tax debt that you have.

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Handcuffs laying on a 1040 form

There are many ways taxpayers can deal with getting their tax debts settled but the best path for each taxpayer depends on the circumstances of their case.

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Tax Refund button on a keyboard

A tax refund offset occurs when the Federal Government’s Treasury Offset Program withholds part or all of an expected Federal tax refund to pay past-due debt.

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Mississippi Flag

The State of Mississippi’s Department of Revenue (DOR) provides a number of different methods for you to deal with your tax problems and get your debt resolved.

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New York Tax title on a black book

Even though the amount you owe the State of New York Taxation Department seems overwhelming in terms of your ability to pay, there are some options open to you.

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Man looking at a letter

The IRS CP22A notice is letting you know that changes were made to your filed tax return, and because of this, there is now a balance owed.

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Taxes Due written on a note

The IRS wants to get paid but it understands a lot of folks cannot pay in full right away, so the IRS created several ways to work with taxpayers who owe money.

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Payroll Taxes written on paper with office supplies in background

Falling behind on your California payroll tax payments effects not only your employees, but also on your business operations as the EDD imposes penalties.

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Puzzle with missing piece - money shown where piece is missing

If the IRS hasn't debited your accound payment, the first step is to contact your bank to see if the payment has been taken from your account.

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Woman looking at paperwork

The IRS is billed you $4,000 due to a $8,000 capital gain or dividend. You don’t know what the $8,000 is from and believe if inherited it should be tax free.

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Payroll Taxes written on 2 wooden blocks

Fortunately, the short answer to the original question is yes, Illinois state payroll tax debt can quite possibly be reduced.

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Payroll Taxes written on notepad with green background

The IRS has the power to impose some very strong penalties for businesses that fall behind in their obligations to make the scheduled payroll tax deposits.

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Levy written on wooden tiles

CP504 is one of the scariest notices you can receive as it is considered a final notice, warning that the IRS is preparing to levy (or seize) a property.

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California Taxes written on a notepad

An Offer in Compromise may help certain taxpayers who cannot pay their tax debt to the California Franchise Tax Board in full. Let's review the requirements.

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Payment Plan

The IRS has established payment programs to allow a personal or business debt to be paid off over an agreed period of time. Here's how to set up a payment plan.

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Woman Reading Letter

Taxpayers receive an IRS CP503 because they have an unpaid tax debt. This is the 2nd notice the IRS sends taxpayers that they have an outstanding balance due.

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Installment Agreement on a Clipboard

You can indeed arrange IRS payments. You can negotiate a plan with the IRS to pay your debt off in either a short-term or long-term series of installments.

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Wage Garnishment written on Paper and Gavel

Can you negotiate to avoid a wage garnishment before it starts? Can you negotiate the amount of the wage garnishment? Let's explore the answers.

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Woman Doing Financial Paperwork

You owe money to the IRS and you can’t pay it all off right now. Let's explore different payment plan options based on your tax situation.

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Payroll Taxes

The IRS treats payroll tax debt seriously. Any employer or employee whose job it is to collect and pay the taxes, but willfully fails, can be held responsible.

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Woman looking at paperwork

If the IRS applies your payment to the wrong tax year, they will generally fix the issue once they know the problem. Let's learn more.

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Offer in Compromise

The IRS has an Offer in Compromise program to allow qualified taxpayers settle their tax debt for less than the full amount owed. Here's what you should know.

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Woman looking at debt letter

A taxpayer can seek relief from a spouse's tax burden by applying for the Innocent Spouse program or the Injured Spouse program, depending on the circumstances.

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Wage Garnishment

The IRS uses an annually updated wage garnishment table to determine how much the taxpayer needs to live on and then the IRS takes the rest.

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Woman reading document

The IRS offers a series of payment plan options for those individuals and businesses who need more time to pay their tax debt.

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Payroll Tax

The IRS takes payroll tax debts very seriously and has the power to impose some very strong penalties for businesses who fall behind in this area.

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Payroll Tax written in blocks

Two payroll tax deferral programs were launched in 2020 in an attempt to relieve the cash flow squeeze that was affecting both businesses and their employees.

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Man looking at computer with a worried look on his face

The IRS has a fixed amount of time to try to get you to pay your tax debt. This fixed period is known as the “statute of limitations,” which generally 10 years.

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gavel, money, seized house

If you owe the IRS money for taxes and have not been able to pay or make other arrangements, the IRS has the legal right to seize some of your possessions.

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blank check and a pen

Yes, the IRS does offer payment plans to those taxpayers who owe taxes. The IRS offers a series of payment plan options for those who need more time to pay. 

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You received an IRS notice CP162 in the mail. You are probably wondering why you received this notice and what it means – we are here to answer your questions.

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refund written with blocks

If the IRS is taking your refund, sometimes you need a qualified tax professional who understands IRS collection procedures to intercede on your behalf.

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tax written in blocks with money bags in the background

As the person wrapping up your loved one’s financial affairs, you know at the very least you will need to file their final individual income tax return.

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Unemployment and US Treasury Check

When you owe money to the IRS, they can take a variety of actions against you to collect the balance due. You can repay the IRS debt using unemployment checks.

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Levy written on the calculator

Communicating with the IRS to work out a payment plan, put a hold on your account, or even negotiate a lesser amount due may help delay or avoid the IRS levy.

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Tax Relief Professionals at TaxAudit

TaxAudit specializes in tax relief help, and we are so confident in our ability to help taxpayers navigate tax debt - we believe we have it down to a science.

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TaxAudit's Tax Debt Relief Team

TaxAudit provides Tax Debt Relief services that make dealing with the IRS or state less stressful. We know the the laws regarding taxes and tax debt collection.

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Business Owner Looking at Receipts

There are many options for managing your small business tax debt. A tax resolution specialist from TaxAudit can guide you in choosing the best approach.

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Tax Resolution Specialist

If you find yourself with tax debt due to unpaid payroll taxes, you may have options to help settle the debt. Let’s review some payroll tax debt relief options.

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Tax Relief Professional

If you have a large tax bill, figuring out your options for getting out of tax debt can be stressful. Thankfully, there’s a proven approach you can follow.

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Tax Debt Forgiveness

Many taxpayers who owe back taxes look for a way to get their tax debt forgiven. The availability of tax debt forgiveness depends on a variety of factors.

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Gavel on Money

The IRS has several courses of actions they can take to collect funds owed to them. The three most common are liens, levies, and garnishments.

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Fresh Start Ahead

If you’re struggling with back taxes, you may be able to qualify for assistance under an IRS initiative called Fresh Start. Here are 3 ways to be eligible.

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Couple looking at financial paperwork

Yes, the length of time the IRS is allowed to collect a tax debt is generally limited to 10 years. Is waiting out this period a strategy for resolving tax debt?

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Back Taxes

When a taxpayer fails to file their return, the IRS will come knocking usually in the form of a notice of tax due for back taxes. Back tax help is available.

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Innocent Spouse Relief Form

If you qualify, Innocent Spouse Relief can help remove or particialy remove a tax burden from an innocent spouse.

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Cash, IRS check, and Social Security Card

Taxpayers who are behind on their federal taxes may be surprised to know that their Social Security benefits are ripe for the picking by the IRS.

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Back Taxes

Back taxes are defined as taxes that were not paid in the year they were due. Penalties and interest may also get tacked onto back taxes if they remain unpaid.

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Pencil Pointing to

One way to find out how much money you owe the IRS is to use the IRS Online Account tool, which allows you to view helpful information about how much you owe.

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Worried Woman

If you haven’t received a notice from the IRS, but think you might owe money to the IRS, you can also utilize the IRS' Online Account tool.

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Concerned couple looking over finances

Generally, the IRS has ten years from the date tax is assessed to collect a delinquent tax liability. However, the answer is not that straight forward.

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A lien is when the IRS makes a legal claim to property as security for the payment of tax debt. There are many methods to resolve an IRS tax lien.

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The fastest answer is how far back do you need to file? How deep do you want or need to dig into your records to get your taxes up-to-date with the IRS?

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Back Taxes sign with a money background

You are ready to begin the process of preparing your back taxes – but you realize your records are lost. Never fear. There are ways to rebuild your records.

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Payroll Taxes Sign on top of dollar bills

The IRS takes payroll tax delinquency seriously – so seriously that IRS Revenue Officers have closed down businesses for not paying them. Tax help is available.

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Amount You Owe

The thought of owing the IRS money can be a scary thought – especially if you’re not sure you do! The IRS has provided tools to help taxpayers like you!

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Request Denied

The IRS denied your request, so what now? What if you do not have resources to pay the additional tax that may not have been yours to begin with?

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Stimulus Payment

Generally, as long as the incarcerated person is a US citizen (or resident alien), has a valid SSN, and is not claimed as a dependent, they may qualify.

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Pay your tax bill

What a satisfaction it is saying goodbye to old debts. There are several options available to taxpayers who want to make a payment for back taxes to the IRS.

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woman distressed about finances

When you can't make your tax due payment without impacting your ability to pay for living expenses, the IRS can put you in Currently Not Collectible status.

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Paying Taxes Online

There are a bevy of options available to taxpayers who want to make a payment to the IRS online. The IRS even has an app for that!

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Tax Return

When a taxpayer does not file their income tax return or ignores an audit notice, the IRS makes tax assessments based on info received from third parties.

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Wage Garnishment

If you are buckling under the weight of an IRS wage garnishment, it is time to get yourself free! We have seven practical ways to stop an IRS wage garnishment.

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Tax Return Help

When people ask me for advice on how they should deal with filing unfiled tax returns, I usually tell them to file the most recent year first.

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Question Mark

Knowing whether you are liable for back taxes owed by your spouse depends upon a variety of factors. Let's discuss the various aspects of spouse liability.

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Man holding sign saying HELP!

When a taxpayer receives a collection notice from the Internal Revenue Service, their typical first reaction is one of panic but it doesn't have to be scary.

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Economic Hardship

CNC status is for taxpayers who cannot make any tax debt payments without seriously jeopardizing their ability to pay for their basic living expenses.

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Jar with coins in it that says Tax Pay

The IRS can attempt to collect unpaid taxes for ten years from the time the tax was assessed. The IRS can try to collect the tax in a variety of ways.

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Tax Refund Check

If you owe the IRS back taxes, don’t start spending your refund before it arrives. The IRS can levy or take your refund and apply it to your tax debt.

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Manage Your Tax Liability written in a notebook

With innocent spouse relief, you can request the IRS remove your liability for taxes, penalties, and interest owed on income your spouse did not report.

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Man distressed with tax bill

First, it is essential to make sure you actually owe the tax due. The next step is to figure out how to pay the tax as quickly and painlessly as possible.

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woman distressed about tax bill

A person may be relieved of paying some or even all of the tax, penalties, and interest on a tax debt if they meet the conditions for Innocent Spouse Relief.

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Percentage sign with dollar bill in the background

The interest rate charged by the IRS on back taxes is the federal short-term rate plus 3%. The rate is set every 3 months.

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Debt Burden Cartoon

Yes, there are legitimate tax relief companies that can help you reduce your tax debt. However, there are scam companies as well. Learn what to look out for.

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Wage Garnishment written on paper next to calculator

The employer has the job of gathering the information needed from the affected employee to determine the correct wage garnishment amount from the IRS tables.

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Payment Plan displayed on Computer Screen

If you need some time to pay, the IRS has payment plan options available. (1) Short-term payment plan (2) Long-term payment plan (paying in more than 120 days)

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Garnishment of Wages written on a notepad

Yes, it is possible to make a deal to keep the IRS from garnishing your paycheck. Making payment arrangements with the IRS maybe all that is needed.

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Wage Garnishment Button on a Keyboard

When you enter into a payment plan with the IRS, known as an Installment Agreement, the IRS will release an active wage garnish order.

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new plant growing out of coal

In 2011, the IRS launched the Fresh Start program and has since expanded the program in the hopes of assisting more taxpayers who carry federal tax debt.

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Man holding sign saying Stimulus Checks

Generally, yes. If you owe back taxes or have a payment agreement with the IRS, you will still receive a stimulus check if you are eligible to received one.

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woman distressed about tax bill

Thankfully, for those who owe federal income taxes on their 2019 individual income tax return or are on the hook for prior tax years, help has arrived.

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Wage Garnishment

The IRS may collect federal taxes that are due by garnishing (levying) a taxpayer’s wages. The IRS will notify your employer to begin garnishing the wages.

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Four jars with money and plants growning

The Fresh Start program is designed so that taxpayers pay their debt in full within six years, and without a serious financial burden being placed upon them.

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IRS Installment Payment Plan

Yes, it is possible to pay taxes in installments. For many people, the process of applying for an installment plan with the IRS may not be difficult.

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Cash with a metal chain and lock wrapped around it

Two words: almost anything. Wages, retirement accounts, bank accounts, vehicles, houses, furniture, and even passports are all fair game.

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Owe Taxes

No matter the cause of each person’s tax debt, there are a number of different programs offered by the IRS to help taxpayers get back into the good books.

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Book with California Taxes written on the cover

Options are available to those who cannot pay their taxes in full by the deadline. A good line of communication with the CA Franchise Tax Board is critical.

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Man with tax burden

Having a tax bill is not a situation anyone wants to be in. Fortunately, there are ways to deal with tax debt owed to the IRS. Let's explore a few solutions.

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wooden house and gavel

The answer to this depends on your particular financial circumstances, how much you owe the IRS, and why you owe them money in the first place.

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1040 tax return with Passport and $100 bill

If certified by the IRS to have seriously delinquent tax debt, the U.S. State Department can deny passport applications or revoke currently active passports.

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Five Stars

With excellent customer service and well-trained tax professionals, TaxAudit is set up to be the best tax debt relief program in the industry. Here's why:

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Tax Debt Relief

Millions of individuals and business owners in America currently have unpaid IRS tax liabilities. Here are a few items to consider for tax debt relief options.

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Tax Refund Check and 1040

You can call the IRS to see if your refund has been flagged for garnishment. Then you can reach out to set up a payment plan − if warranted.

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Money, United States Treasury Check, 1040 Tax Form

If you paid off a prior year state or local tax obligation to your state, you can include these payments as a state tax deduction, subject to the $10,000 cap.

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Tax Return

If you are in a domestic abuse type situation, it is important to understand your rights as a taxpayer so that you can safeguard your finances for the future.

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Passport with Denied stamped across it

The IRS can request the State Department to revoke a currently active passport of a U.S. taxpayer with severely delinquent tax debt.

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woman working on a calculator

If you had a debt forgiven and you were personally liable for the debt, you will likely receive a Form 1099–C, Cancellation of Debt.

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This blog does not provide legal, financial, accounting, or tax advice. The content on this blog is “as is” and carries no warranties. TaxAudit does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, reliability, and completeness of the content of this blog. Content may become out of date as tax laws change. TaxAudit may, but has no obligation to monitor or respond to comments.