TaxAudit Blog

Tag: Traditional IRA

Glass globe on financial statements

My wife and I are considering installing a solar electrical system on our house - can we use the cash in our IRA to pay for it? 

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Yellow sign that says Retirement Ahead

You want to save money towards your retirement, but your employer does not offer a retirement plan, such as a 401(k). You are not alone...

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Retirement Ahead Sign

I would like to know if I need to declare my Roth IRA and traditional IRA accounts on my tax return even if I haven't contributed to them in the last 4 years.

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Financial charts and graphs

I recently filled out an online tool on a financial advisor website. It had some catchy feel good name like Dream Catcher or something of the like.

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Retirement Ahead Sign

If you are a 20 or 30 something - people in this age group should have saving for retirement at the top of their list of things to do.

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Piggy bank

Under 59½? Need some extra cash? Don’t use your retirement! It isn’t a savings account or a piggy bank to be used to buy an extra pizza on Saturday night

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Pie Chart with 1/3 a 1040 tax form

Enter Dave Du Val! Dave is our Vice President of Customer Advocacy and among many other things, a tax expert. He sat down with me and set my head straight.

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