TaxAudit Blog

Tag: mortgage

House with money background

You asked whether the mortgage payments that your ex paid on the house you received in the divorce are taxable. This answer depends on your specific situation.

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Wooden House next to Money Bag

In general, only mortgage interest and property taxes are deductible in the transaction year, while some expenses and fees can be added to the cost basis.

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Closing Cost Analysis Statement

Many people try to guess the amount of their closing costs and use that for their taxes. If they are ever audited, this would not likely work out well for them.

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Closing Costs

Real estate closing costs can be pesky things. And since you are paying for them, can you at least deduct them from your taxes?

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Mortgage sign and keys

In regard to the personal home mortgage interest deduction on the Schedule A, the answer is yes, but only if certain criteria are met.

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Private Mortgage Insurance Paperwork

The PMI deduction was not permanent. This expiration date was extended twice, eventually to 12/31/17, and any PMI paid after that date is not deductible.

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This seems a simple question, and it has a simple answer, which is probably. First, all the usual requirements of deducting mortgage interest must be met.

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Woman at desk with head down on tax forms, holding a pencil and calculator.

Below is a list of misconceptions and examples of misinformation taxpayers may encounter during the upcoming tax season.

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house on top of a green hill

My boyfriend and I are buying a house together, and the property includes a rental apartment above the garage. How should we report our rental income?

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My husband and I bought a home. We sold our old house a few months later. Will the profit on the old house be taxed if we do not roll it into the new house?

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Yellow house with white fence

I just had my home refinanced to a lower interest rate and to a 15-year fixed mortgage. What are some of the things that are associated with refinancing...

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House on top of stack of money

If I'm going to do home repairs, such as a roof and heating, which will cost about $15,000, would it be better to take out a home equity loan to pay for it or..

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Wooden walkway towards beach with palm trees

We live in Florida, and we are thinking about buying a second home in Maine for the summer months. Will we be able to deduct the mortgage interest on our taxes?

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My personal residence cost basis is higher than the expected sale price. Is there a way to get a tax benefit from a loss on this property?

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Woman until holding up key by model of house

I have a good friend who owns two rental homes here in California. The tales he tells regarding these “assets” are not for the faint of heart.

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Homes surrounded by mountains

I bought a house in Arizona in 1996 for $95,000. I did two cash-out refi’s totaling about $30,000 through 2004. I sold the house in 2014 for $165,000, and..

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Piggy bank

Under 59½? Need some extra cash? Don’t use your retirement! It isn’t a savings account or a piggy bank to be used to buy an extra pizza on Saturday night

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We recently bought our 1st home via FHA mortgage, which included monthly mortgage insurance premium (MIP). In addition, an "up-front" MIP amount (UFMIP)...

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