TaxAudit Blog

Tag: tax professional

hot cup of coffee

Starbucks? Coffee beans? Lattes? What do they have to do with taxes? Don’t worry, we will get to that! But first, let’s discuss your Golden Years again...

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Pen, calculator, and blocks that spell out TAX on financial papers

I would really appreciate some advice on filing estimated taxes. Please let me know if you provide this service.

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My husband and I bought a home. We sold our old house a few months later. Will the profit on the old house be taxed if we do not roll it into the new house?

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Block with Tax words on it

You have your traditional IRA account invested at your bank but you are not happy with the rate of return. You’ve heard that it’s possible to move your IRA...

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Rx bottle that says Affordable Care Act

You might have thought that with the new Health Care Reform more of all the money you spend on health insurance and medical expenses would be deductible.

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Man using a calculator

This installment of Know Your Pro will introduce you to a different kind of Pro here at TaxAudit. With in-depth knowledge of all the services we offer...

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If you like to gamble, you probably already know that your gambling winnings are considered income, especially if you gamble within the United States.

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Flooded street with sign that says High Water

My house got water in it this past month. I needed to clean up the mess, replace the carpet, pad and doors.  My insurance would not cover the loss.

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Tax Return Preparer Credentials

All paid tax return preparers are required to have an IRS PTIN (Preparer Tax Identification Number) which they must enter on the tax returns they prepare.

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Handcuffs laying on a 1040 form

My son was arrested in December of 2012 and spent the entire year of 2013 in jail awaiting trial. During that year I paid his attorney fees, car payments...

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Is there a tax benefit to making a charitable contribution to my church directly from my IRA rather than writing a check and deducting it from my tax return? 

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TAX spelled out with tiles

They say that happy employees make for happy customers, and at TaxAudit those happy employees start with managers like Eric.

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Money wrapped in a bow

Our adult Sunday School class had a Christmas project of supplying Christmas clothes and toys for a needy family with several children and a disabled father. 

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Family in swimming pool on a raft

I lived with my younger cousins, ages 11 and 4, in 2013 except for about 2 months when I stayed with my father while he was sick. I provided more than...

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Phone Scams: There are numerous phone and internet scams claiming to be the IRS (or other government agencies). Do not give personal information to anyone...

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expert highlighted

Introducing Carolyn Richardson! Our highly effective and experienced tax audit professional from Hawaii! With her three decades of tax experience,…

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Here are some simple tips to help you reduce your audit risk: Proofread your tax return A mistake on just one figure or item can present IRS audit flags…

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